
What is Leadership Coaching?

The lead4ward leadership coaching model focuses on how to directly support the principal in identifying and prioritizing areas for growth related to leading PLCs, navigating challenges and responsibilities, and mobilizing the school towards the campus vision. Your leadership coach will serve as an expert listener, careful observer, challenging questioner, and thinking partner to identify, leverage, and build on the principal’s strengths.

Anchored in the Principal Standards and Effective Schools Framework, the campus leader can expect:

  • a personalized agenda for each session
  • prioritizing work by creating individual and campus goals through T-PESS and multiple measures of student data
  • shoulder-to-shoulder goal setting, planning and problem solving, follow ups and check-ins, and reflection and refining
  • joint walk-throughs and teacher feedback
  • collaborating in real time using available resources and data tools to maximize planning, student engagement, and student achievement

Sophia Acevedo

Sophia Acevedo is the 2021 Texas recipient of the U.S. Department of Education’s Terrell Bell award. As principal, Sophia led her school to several TEA distinctions, including being named a National Blue-Ribbon School. Read more–>

Overview Video

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What can a campus leader FOCUS on during coaching?