
instructional strategies playlists

The lead4ward Instructional Strategies Playlists provide descriptions of instructional strategies to engage learners, provide practice without penalty, encourage interaction among students, and see and hear students’ thinking.

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sorting cards

IQ released items analysis tool

This resource organizes STAAR released test items by TEKS Clusters and associated Student Expectations and provides a data analysis tool to analyze learning error patterns and complexity of the standard.

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This quicklook summarizes examples of new item types – transition to STAAR 2.0

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mathmark is a subscription-based online math tool that includes instructional activities and resources aligned to key concepts and topics (TEKS Clusters). Designed for direct support in classroom instruction and intervention. Download a sample.

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field guides

field guides

Field Guides for teachers are available for: Reading Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies and are succinctly organized with the information teachers and PLCs need to effectively plan meaningful instruction. Download a sample.

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sorting cards

TEKS sorting cards

The TEKS Sorting Cards place the language of the TEKS in a student-friendly format, allowing students to sort them based on perception of their own learning. Download a sample from Grade 4 English Language Arts & Reading.

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thinking stems

thinking stems

Thinking stems help students get started when they struggle to find just the right words to explain, describe, or clarify what they are thinking. Download a sample.

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lead4ward app

lead4ward app

Download the lead4ward app for instant access to instructional strategies, an activity timer, learning videos, quickchecks, think it up questions, and much more!


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