One Minute Paper
Students summarize their learning with a quick writing activity.
- Prompt or question for the summary
- Notebook paper
- Ask students to summarize the ideas, concepts, skills, and processes they learned by writing for approximately 1-3 minutes. Students may write a paragraph, a bulleted list, or create a graphic organizer.
- Students share their One Minute Paper using the movement and discourse strategy Think and Throw. (Students crush their papers and toss 3 “snowballs” randomly around the room.)
- After picking up a 4th snowball, students huddle into small groups, share papers, and read out 2-3 of the best.
- Students submit the One Minute Paper they are holding as an exit ticket.
- Observe students’ thinking and clarify/verify as appropriate.
Classroom Management
- Model the One Minute Paper strategy using a think-aloud or provide examples of well-written papers.
- Allow students up to 5 minutes to complete the quick write.
- Role-play how to crush/throw papers appropriately.
- Promote access by providing sentence starters and allowing students to process the task with a supportive peer/adult.
- Provide response support by allowing students to dictate ideas to a scribe and/or using a speech-to-text or word prediction support.
Think It Up!
- Have students think more deeply about the concept by responding to a Think It Up prompt as an exit ticket or journal entry:
- Draw a conclusion about why this information is important.
- Encourage students to use lead4ward’s Thinking Stems (English/Spanish) to frame their responses, if needed.
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