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Students prove they understand a concept by answering a question as a team, answering a question with a partner, and answering a question independently.


  • 1 team question, 1 pair question, and 1 individual question (questions, tasks, problems, or texts)
  • Notebook paper


  1. Organize students into teams of 4.
  2. Present a question for the Team to solve collaboratively.
  3. Ask for pop-out responses and clarify/verify justification for best responses.
  4. Present the next question for Two students (pairs) to solve collaboratively.
  5. Ask for pop-out responses and clarify/verify justification for best responses.
  6. Present the final question for individual students (One) to answer independently.
  7. Collect and evaluate Team-Two-One responses and adjust instruction as appropriate.

Classroom Management

  • Organize students into pairs and teams of 4. Role-play the movement/collaboration for each step of the Team-Two-One activity.
  • Remind students there will be no harm or humiliation for incorrect answers because correcting mistakes is a sign of intelligence!


  • Promote access by partnering with a supportive peer and allowing the peer to read questions aloud.
  • Promote access by allowing students to work with a supportive adult on the individual (one) question.

Think It Up!

  • Have students think more deeply about the concept by responding to a Think It Up prompt as an exit ticket or journal entry:
    • Change one part of the final question stem and make an inference about how the correct response should now change.
  • Encourage students to use lead4ward’s Thinking Stems (English/Spanish) to frame their responses, if needed.