Pair – Square – Share
Students generate ideas with a partner then share and compare responses with another pair.
- Questions, prompts, or tasks
- Organize students into pairs.
- Student pairs work collaboratively to answer a Think It Up question, analyze an assessment item, summarize a vocabulary word, analyze a visual, or respond to text.
- Two pairs then form a square.
- Student pairs share their response to the question, task, or text.
- Students may revise their original responses based on their discussions.
- Observe students’ thinking and clarify/verify as appropriate.
Classroom Management
- Model how to get into pairs then model how to move into squares.
- Promote access by pairing with a supportive peer and/or allowing peer to read aloud any text.
- Provide response support by allowing the use of thinking stems to frame a response and/or using speech-to-text or word prediction support.
Think It Up!
- Have students think more deeply about the concept by responding to a Think It Up prompt as an exit ticket or journal entry:
- Compare/Contrast the two pairs’ responses.
- Summarize in one sentence what you know better after the activity.
- Encourage students to use lead4ward’s Thinking Stems (English/Spanish) to frame their responses, if needed.
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