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Four Corners


Allow students to move to a corner and then huddle with 2-3 people to answer a question, practice a skill, describe a word, analyze a visual, or respond to text.


  • Four corner choices determined
  • Question, assessment item, or brief task prepared


  1. Assign each corner of the room a preference (4 soft drinks, 4 candy bars, etc.).
  2. Students move to their favorite corner.
  3. Students then huddle in duos or trios, making sure no student is left out.
  4. Teacher poses a Think It Up question, assessment item, brief task, word, visual, or text.
  5. Students collaborate with their duo/trio members to answer the question, rehearse the skill, describe the word, analyze the visual, or summarize the text … justifying their responses along the way.
  6. Teacher sees and hears the students’ thinking and clarifies/verifies as appropriate.

Classroom Management

Move students into their corners, one group at a time, and ensure every student has partner.


Promote access by previewing the question/task, thinking through response with a supportive adult, and/or using thinking stems to frame responses.

Think It Up!

Choose a Think It Up question as an exit ticket or a journal entry as evidence of learning.

Encourage students to use lead4ward’s Thinking Stems or Spanish Thinking Stems to frame responses.

  • Compare your group’s response to another group. How many different ways could you approach or answer the question?
  • Analyze visuals: Sketch two different visuals associated with the concept.