Notable Quotables
Students collaborate to answer an assessment question by thinking, talking, writing, and revising a “notable quotable.”
- Assessment question or prompts for analysis
- Index cards
Round 1
- Pair students with an elbow partner.
- Present an assessment question.
- Ask students to think about the question.
- Students talk with a partner and justify their correct responses using a quote from the actual question or passage.
- Students combine their ideas, and each one writes a Notable Quotable using this thinking stem: “The correct answer is _________ because the question says _________.” (add a quote from the question.)
Round 2
- Partner pairs stand up, find another pair to form a square, and share their Notable Quotables, revising their original responses if necessary.
- Ask students to think about how they can prove their answers.
- Students talk about how they can prove the answer they chose with specific evidence.
- Students write their proof or evidence on their Notable Quotables using this thinking stem: “I can prove _________ is the correct answer because _________.”
Collect students’ Notable Quotables and read out 3-4 excellent responses, noting where students needed clarification or correction.
Classroom Management
- Demonstrate ways to combine verbal summaries into written summaries.
- Role-play how to evaluate responses using applause-o-meter.
- Promote access by providing a word/idea bank or visual examples of the concept.
- Promote response support by allowing the use of speech-to-text or word prediction support.
Think It Up!
- Have students think more deeply about the concept by responding to a Think It Up prompt as an exit ticket or journal entry:
- Connect this concept, process, visual, or genre demand to another concept, and explain the connection in 1-2 sentences.
- Encourage students to use lead4ward’s Thinking Stems (English/Spanish) to frame their responses, if needed.
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