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2022-23 School Year
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for Approaches GL, Meets GL and Masters GL for the Spring 2022 STAAR 1.0 assessments and the Spring 2023 STAAR 2.0 assessments. (At this point, only EOCs are reported. Grade 3-8 assessments will be added when they become available in August.)
2021-22 School Year
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score %ages correct for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level for the Spring administrations of STAAR assessments (English) in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022. Also reports the average %ages correct across the 6 years for each assessment.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level for the Spring 2022 main administrations of STAAR assessments (English) in Grades 3-8 and EOCs.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level for the Spring 2021 main administrations of STAAR assessments (Spanish) in Grades 3-5.
2020-21 School Year
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level for the Spring 2021 main administrations of STAAR assessments (English) in Grades 3-8 and EOCs.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score %ages correct for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level for the Spring administrations of STAAR assessments (English) in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021. Also reports the average %ages correct across the 5 years for each assessment.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level for the Spring 2021 main administrations of STAAR assessments (Spanish) in Grades 3-5.
Reports the gain scores and methodology for calculating a student’s STAAR Progress Measure across 2 years (2019 to 2021). NOTE: TEA decided NOT to use the 2020-21 SPM in calculating Academic Growth for 2021 accountability data reporting due to inconsistencies in its measurement. This table summarizes TEA’s methodology in calculating the 2020-21 SPM. However, due to the limited instructional value of the 2020-21 SPM, lead4ward does not recommend that it be used by districts in evaluating 2021 STAAR results.
2018-19 School Year
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR under Commissioner Rule §101.3041 (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring 2019 paper administrations (English) of STAAR assessments in Grades 3-8 and EOCs. For Grades 5 and 8 Reading and Math, the chart only reports the raw score conversions for the first, or primary, administration of the test.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score %ages correct for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring paper administrations (English) of STAAR assessments in Grades 3-8 and EOCs in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Also reports the average %ages correct across the 4 years.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR under Commissioner Rule §101.3041 (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring 2019 paper administrations (Spanish) of STAAR assessments in Grades 3-5. For Grade 5 Reading and Math, the chart only reports the raw score conversions for the first, or primary, administration of the test.
Reports the gain scores and methodology for calculating a student’s STAAR Progress Measure. Each student with a STAAR Progress Measure is assigned to one of three categories: Limited Growth, Expected Growth, or Accelerated Growth.
Spring 2018
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR under Commissioner Rule §101.3041 (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring 2018 paper administrations (English) of STAAR assessments in Grades 3-8 and EOCs. For Grades 5 and 8 Reading and Math, the chart only reports the raw score conversions for the first, or primary, administration of the test.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR under Commissioner Rule §101.3041 (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring 2018 paper administrations (Spanish) of STAAR assessments in Grades 3-5. For Grade 5 Reading and Math, the chart only reports the raw score conversions for the first, or primary, administration of the test.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score %ages correct for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring paper administrations (English) of STAAR assessments in Reading and Math in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also reports the average %ages correct across the 3 years.
Spring 2017
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR under new Commissioner Rule §101.3041, effective April 16, 2017 (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring 2017 paper administrations (English) of STAAR assessments in Grades 3-8 and EOCs. For Grades 5 and 8 Reading and Math, the chart only reports the raw score conversions for the first, or primary, administration of the test.
Reports the scale score cut points and corresponding raw score conversion cut points for the 3 levels of passing performance on STAAR under new Commissioner Rule §101.3041, effective April 16, 2017 (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level and Masters Grade Level) for the Spring 2017 paper administrations (Spanish) of STAAR assessments in Grades 3-5. For Grade 5 Reading and Math, the chart only reports the raw score conversions for the first, or primary, administration of the test.
Reports the gain scores and methodology for assigning progress/growth categories for the 2017 STAAR Progress Measure/STAAR Growth Measure. Effective with the Spring 2017 STAAR assessments, TEA has implemented a change in terminology for the 3 categories of STAAR Progress/STAAR Growth. Did Not Meet Progress is now Limited Growth. Met Progress is now Expected Growth. Exceeded Progress is now Accelerated Growth.
The ESTIMATED raw score ranges reported in this table were calculated by applying the %age of items required for students to meet the applicable performance standard on the Spring 2016 (English) paper administration versions of the indicated STAAR assessments to the maximum raw scores for each assessment in Spring 2017. The ESTIMATED raw score ranges are ONLY estimated projections for the Spring 2017 assessments. This table is intended SOLELY to provide approximations or reasonable estimates of the ranges of raw cut points for the applicable scale score performance standards specified in PROPOSED Commissioner Rule for the Spring 2017 STAAR assessments.
This document summarizes the STAAR performance standards for each STAAR assessment beginning in 2016-17 as specified in PROPOSED Commissioner Rule published on December 7, 2016. As specified in the PROPOSED Rule, the Commissioner has recommended that the current phase-in schedule be replaced with a final set of standards and labels to indicate four levels of student performance, as follows: Did Not Meet Grade Level, Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, and Masters Grade Level.
2022-23 School Year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to the use of Accessibility Features and Designated Supports as well as Technology Guidelines for state assessments administered in the 2022-23 school year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to Accessibility Features for state assessments administered in the 2022-23 school year
For each Designated Support, this quicklook identifies the testing programs for which that Designated Support is applicable as well as the committees (ARD, 504, RTI or Student Assistance Team, LPAC) that are authorized to make decisions regarding that Designated Support
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of locally-approved Designated Supports on state assessments administered in the 2022-23 school year
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of Designated Supports requiring TEA approval on state assessments administered in the 2022-23 school year
This quicklook summarizes examples of allowable and non-allowable supplemental aids for state assessments administered in the 2022-23 school year.
2021-22 School Year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to the use of Accessibility Features and Designated Supports as well as Technology Guidelines for state assessments administered in the 2021-22 school year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to Accessibility Features for state assessments administered in the 2021-22 school year. The document is posted in Word version to allow users to utilize the resource by documenting the names of students who regularly benefit from the use of these procedures and materials during instruction.
For each Designated Support, this quicklook identifies the testing programs for which that Designated Support is applicable as well as the committees (ARD, 504, RTI or Student Assistance Team, LPAC) that are authorized to make decisions regarding that Designated Support
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of locally-approved Designated Supports on state assessments administered in the 2021-22 school year
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of Designated Supports requiring TEA approval on state assessments administered in the 2021-22 school year
This quicklook summarizes examples of allowable and non-allowable supplemental aids for state assessments administered in the 2021-22 school year.
2020-21 School Year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to the use of Accessibility Features and Designated Supports for state assessments administered in the 2020-21 school year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to Accessibility Features for state assessments administered in the 2020-21 school year. The document is posted in Word version to allow users to utilize the resource by documenting the names of students who regularly benefit from the use of these procedures and materials during instruction.
For each Designated Support, this quicklook identifies the testing programs for which that Designated Support is applicable as well as the committees (ARD, 504, RTI or Student Assistance Team, LPAC) that are authorized to make decisions regarding that Designated Support
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of locally-approved Designated Supports on state assessments administered in the 2020-21 school year
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of Designated Supports requiring TEA approval on state assessments administered in the 2020-21 school year
This quicklook summarizes examples of allowable and non-allowable supplemental aids for state assessments administered in the 2020-21 school year (based on examples provided by TEA in its PowerPoint posted at:
2019-20 School Year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to the use of Accessibility Features and Designated Supports for state assessments administered in calendar year 2019-20
This quicklook summarizes information relating to Accessibility Features for state assessments administered in the 2019-20 School Year. The document is posted in Word version to allow users to utilize the resource by documenting the names of students who regularly benefit from the use of these procedures and materials during instruction.
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of locally-approved Designated Supports on state assessments administered in the 2019-20 School Year
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of Designated Supports requiring TEA approval on state assessments administered in the 2019-20 School Year
This quicklook summarizes examples of allowable and non-allowable supplemental aids for state assessments administered in calendar year 2019-20 (based on examples to be provided by TEA in its PowerPoint posted at:
2018-19 School Year
This quicklook summarizes information relating to the use of Accessibility Features and Designated Supports for state assessments administered in calendar year 2018-19
This quicklook summarizes information relating to Accessibility Features for state assessments administered in the 2018-19 School Year. The document is posted in Word version to allow users to utilize the resource by documenting the names of students who regularly benefit from the use of these procedures and materials during instruction.
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of locally-approved Designated Supports on state assessments administered in the 2018-19 School Year
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of Designated Supports requiring TEA approval on state assessments administered in the 2018-19 School Year
This quicklook summarizes examples of allowable and non-allowable supplemental aids for state assessments administered in calendar year 2018-19 (based on examples to be provided by TEA in its PowerPoint posted at:
2018 Calendar Year
This quicklook summarizes key provisions included in TEA’s Special Education Strategic Plan, which were posted on April 23, 2018
This quicklook summarizes information relating to the use of Accessibility Features and Designated Supports for state assessments administered in calendar year 2018
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of locally-approved Designated Supports on state assessments administered in calendar year 2018
This quicklook summarizes the requirements relating to the use of Designated Supports requiring TEA approval on state assessments administered in calendar year 2018
This quicklook summarizes examples of allowable and non-allowable supplemental aids for state assessments administered in calendar year 2018 (based on examples to be provided by TEA in its PowerPoint posted at:
This quicklook summarizes information relating to Accessibility Features for state assessments administered in calendar year 2018. The document is posted in Word version to allow users to utilize the resource by documenting the names of students who regularly benefit from the use of these procedures and materials during instruction.