Keli Soliz, M.Ed., is a passionate educator and enthusiastic champion for empowering new teachers and mentors, instilling in them the confidence and skills to successfully navigate the complexities of the teaching profession. With a rich background in education, including 15+ years dedicated to new teacher induction and mentorship, Keli is committed to cultivating a culture of continuous learning, growth, and innovation within the education community.


A firm believer in the transformative power of mentorship, Keli has played a pivotal role in shaping the professional journey of countless educators. Her multi-district experience includes serving as a teacher, a full-time mentor with the Texas State University Teacher Fellows Program, an adjunct professor for pre-service teachers, a cooperating teacher, and a mentor – culminating in the development and orchestration of a comprehensive new teacher induction program for a large Texas school district. Whether she’s leading workshops, facilitating discussions, or providing one-on-one support, Keli’s genuine passion for education, new teachers, and mentorship shines through.